U.S. States With the Highest Asthma Rates

U.S. States With the Highest Asthma Rates

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease involving the airways that transport vital air in and out of the lungs. In patients with asthma, the airways suffer varying degrees of inflammation, often causing chronic coughing, shortness of breath, and excess mucus production.  Asthma is largely impacted by environmental components, or triggers such as weather, exposure to allergens, humidity, smoke, pollution, and even chemicals.
In the U.S., the states that are highly affected by asthma include the following:

1. Michigan
Michigan is one of the states that has a considerable number of people suffering from asthma. The main city affected by asthma in the region is Detroit. The main issue is the extreme temperatures and the exposure to allergens because of air pollution. The best solution for people with asthma is to relocate to a region with a warmer and drier climate.

2. Massachusetts
Massachusetts is among the states worst for your asthma. One of the cities in the states that pose a significant issue is Springfield. The region has a high number of emergencies, and most of them relate to asthma. The asthma prevalence in the state is alarming because of the high pollen levels.

3. Virginia
In Virginia, the most affected city is Richmond. There are many deaths related to asthma in the region. Also, numerous emergency room visits are asthma-related. The poverty levels in the region are also a significant issue. Additionally, the pollen levels in the state are high.

4. Pennsylvania
The asthma condition is prevalent in Pennsylvania, specifically in cities such as Philadelphia. The poverty rate in the region is also worrying, and it has taken a toll on how people in the state usually treat the condition in the region.

5. Kentucky
During spring, Kentucky is one of the most beautiful places in the U.S., or perhaps the entire globe. The bluegrass will emit a significant amount of pollen as compared to other types of grass. Pollination takes place during spring, and it is the leading cause of congestion, sneezing, sniffling, and people are at risk of experiencing an asthma attack for affected parties. If you experience any of these asthma symptoms, you should seek medical advice instantly.

6. Ohio
Pollution in Ohio is a significant issue such that a considerable population is prone to sneezing because of asthma and allergies. At least seven cities in the state have been listed among the worst when it comes to sneezing as per the surveys that have been conducted. There is also the issue of itchy and watery eyes getting worse, especially among children. A large part of the population is also exposed to different ozone health risks. Pollution has also contributed significantly to ground-level pollution since carbon usually traps the radiation emitted by the sun. Also, carbon is responsible for heating the earth. As the earth heats up, gases usually cook up, and they turn into the ozone. The ozone helps in protecting the earth from solar rays. At the ground level, things are getting worse since the ozone is getting into the lungs and causing irritation, which means you will have difficulty breathing. The power plants that generate electricity in the state are the main contributors to carbon pollution. To ensure that asthma and allergies have reduced in the state, leaders have to put in place stringent laws meant to safeguard the environment by ensuring there is reduced pollution.