Types of Hepatitis and their Treatment Options

Types of Hepatitis and their Treatment Options

Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver that is commonly caused by a viral condition. However, there are some other causes too. These include autoimmune hepatitis and the ones that occur due to the secondary result of certain medicines, alcohol, and toxins. There are five different types of hepatitis. The treatment is given as per the type. Some types of hepatitis can be prevented through lifestyle changes and vaccinations.

1. Types of hepatitis

A viral infection of the liver can be categorized into hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Usually hepatitis A is an acute form that lasts for a shorter period while B, C, and D are likely to become chronic and long-term. Hepatitis E is quite acute and is usually occurs in pregnant women.

Let’s understand all the types of hepatitis in detail:

  • Hepatitis A

It is caused due to the infection of hepatitis A virus or HAV. It is usually transmitted through feces-contaminated food or water of a person who already has the infection.

  • Hepatitis B

This infection is transmitted through contact with infectious blood, semen, or vaginal secretions that contain the hepatitis B virus (HBV). You are at a higher risk of getting it through infected injections, sex with an infected person, or sharing razors.

  • Hepatitis C

It comes from the hepatitis C virus and is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person’s body fluids, generally through sexual contact. It is one of the most common blood-borne types of hepatitis in the country.

  • Hepatitis D

It is a severe liver disease and is usually contracted through direct contact with infected blood. It is a rare infection that only happens along with hepatitis B infection.

  • Hepatitis E

It is a waterborne infection that is usually found in regions with poor sanitation. It develops when you ingest fecal matter that contaminates the water supply.

2. Treatments for different types of hepatitis

The treatment options are based on the type of hepatitis:

  • Hepatitis A

There is a vaccination currently available for this infection. Kids are vaccinated between 12-18 months in a series of two vaccinations. It is also available for adults and can be combined with hepatitis B vaccine. In case the infection occurs, no stringent treatment is needed as it is a short-term illness. Bed rest, proper hydration, and nutrition are the solutions.

  • Hepatitis B

Adults and kids can be prevented from this infection with the help of vaccination. If contracted, the infection takes very long to heal. There are specific medicines for it.

  • Hepatitis C

Antiviral medicines can treat both acute and chronic forms of hepatitis C infection. People with this infection might need further testing to determine the best form of treatment. Some might require a liver transplant too. There is no vaccination for it yet.

  • Hepatitis D

There are no antiviral medicines for hepatitis D yet. A medication called alpha interferon can be used to treat it, but it does not guarantee a complete cure. However, you can prevent it by taking a vaccination for hepatitis B as you can only get hepatitis D if you have a hepatitis B infection.

  • Hepatitis E

There are no specific medical therapies for this infection as it is often acute and gets cured on its own. Doctors advise patients to take ample rest, eat nutritious food, drink fluids, and avoid alcohol.