Top Flea and Tick Prevention Products

Top Flea and Tick Prevention Products

If you are raising or have raised pets in the past, then you may have encountered flea and tick problems at some point in time. Fleas are small parasitic insects that thrive on the coats of cats and dogs. Once they lodge on the pet, it is a nightmare for the pet and the owner. Fleas and ticks can be a huge threat to the health of your pet. Ticks are parasites that attach themselves to the skin of pets and feed off their blood. They use their heads to burrow through the host’s skin and engorge themselves on blood, which is required for their survival. Fleas, on the other hand, feed in their adult stage; their lifespan is 100 days. Flea and tick prevention is important for the health of your pet.

1. Types of fleas and ticks
Ticks are classified into two main types: hard- and soft-shelled. Hard-shelled ticks reside in areas with tall grass or bushes, and they can live up to 3 years. These ticks look for hosts during the daytime. Soft-shelled ticks are found in caves, animal nests, and animal burrows. They live up to 10 years.

Fleas are classified into cat fleas, dog fleas, and rat fleas. Cat and dog fleas live on cats and dogs, respectively, and pierce the skin to draw blood from the host. Rat fleas are the worst; they cause severe infections in cats and dogs.

2. Best anti-flea and tick products
Flea and tick prevention is a must for every pet owner. One should first block off all the sources of fleas and ticks. Once a walk in a garden or park is complete, the pet owner must check if the dog or cat has fleas or ticks on their body. Identify all the potential areas from where your pet could get fleas and ticks, and block access to those areas.

Giving your pet pest control medication is an effective flea and tick prevention strategy. These medications are strong pesticides and chemicals that eliminate outbreaks. Brushing the dog’s coat regularly is also a good way to prevent fleas and ticks.

Here are the top flea and tick prevention products in the market.

    This a really good product for eliminating fleas and ticks. You can use FRONTLINE plus for adult cats and dogs.
  • Bayer K9 Advantix II
    This product is very effective in preventing fleas and ticks. It comes in the form of drops that are applied to the back of the dog’s neck once a month.
  • Vet’s Best Natural Flea and Tick Home Spray

This is an environmentally friendly product that does not irritate the skin of the pet. This spray can be used on the bed of your pet, your home, your yard, and on yourself.

  • Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar
    This collar can be compared to monthly topical applications and is effective for up to 8 months.

Choose from the various flea and tick prevention options and keep your pet safe and healthy.