The Top Pet-Friendly Essential Oils

The Top Pet-Friendly Essential Oils

Essential oils a gift to humans from mother nature. Whether bought from the market or prepared from herbs at home, these oils have always proven to be beneficial to us. But when it comes to our pets, is it safe to have essential oils around? For some, the answer is yes. There are some essential oils that are supremely beneficial to pets, whereas some should be avoided at all costs. The list of essential oils that should not be used on pets is pretty long, but, herein, we discuss the ones that can be used at home.

1. Lavender oil
Lavender oil is known for its soothing benefits on pets. It helps in relieving stress, anxiety, and depression that may be caused due to underlying diseases or medicinal side effects. This essential oil is loved pets and can help in eliminating bugs, mites, as well as bad odors. Lavender oil can also help in relieving burns and itching or allergies in most cases.

2. Frankincense oil
Frankincense oil is accredited for its anti-cancerous properties. It has shown tremendous results in treating any sign or symptom of cancer. This essential oil is also known for enhancing immunity and preventing infection and flu among pets. It can also be used in case of depression in cats and dogs.

3. Chamomile oil
Chamomile is mostly used to treat burns and wounds and is known to relieve pets from pain and sores. Besides, it is also used in the case of eczema or skin allergies as well. Apart from that, because of its anti-stress properties, it has been used by many owners to help their beloved pets.

4. Cedarwood oil
Cedarwood essential oils are commonly used for pets to improve their blood circulation and lung function. It is also used in case the pets experience extreme hair loss. This essential oil is diuretic and works as an excellent pest repellent.

5. Fennel oil
Most of the diseases in pets result from organ malfunction or an anomaly in the normal body metabolism. Any anomaly in the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid may even cause diabetes and other chronic conditions. To prevent this, a number of vets recommend fennel as an essential oil for pets to treat any kind of imbalance occurring in the thyroid, pituitary, as well as the pineal gland of pets.

6. Cardamom oil
It is one of the most effective essential oils and used mainly for its antibacterial properties for pets. Cardamom oil is also used for treating cough and cold in both dogs and cats, improving digestion, and relieving heartburn in pets.

Essential oils can be beneficial or harmful to pets, depending on the composition and ingredients used. This is why owners are requested to be as careful as possible and always consult a doctor before using any oil.