Safety Tips for Solo Women Travel

Safety Tips for Solo Women Travel

With a growing number of solo female travelers, one question that is pertinent is whether traveling solo is safe. Well, the answer is a resounding yes. Any kind of travel is safe as long as you’re taking necessary precautions and safety measures. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to developing countries or are not able to spend money on a luxury resort with the comfort of security. Travel is not about spending a lot of money, but getting to experience a new destination.

However, there are a few solo travel tips that female travelers can perhaps put to use:

1. Research and plan your trip well
Even if you’re not much of a planner and like to leave much to chance, it is advised to plan thoroughly if you’re traveling alone. In all cities, there are some neighborhoods that are safe even in the darkest hours, while some that should be avoided at all times. Understand the safest places to stay, party, and eat. Also understand the most popular means of transport that is the safest. The more you worry about and plan your safety before you travel, the less you’ll have to worry about it when you are at your destination.

2. Try not to bring valuables
When you’re traveling alone, you’re solely responsible for taking care of your belongings. So, in all circumstances, try not to leave your valuables behind when you’re out. Better still, try and leave your valuables at home when you set out to travel. The things that you must take with you, like cameras, phones and laptops, should always be kept with you, especially when you’re out for most part of the day. If there are some belongings that you cannot carry with yourself all day, like heavy camera equipment, make sure you leave them locked in the room or with hotel authorities.

3. Do not trust people easily
There might be a lot of people willing to show you the city, or some who would suggest that you hitchhike with them. Make sure that the person who is making untoward communication with you is not harmful. The golden rule here is that if you’re not sure about doing it, don’t do it. In more cases than not, a family willing to help or talk to you will be safer than a single person willing to communicate and help. Do not worry about people considering you to be rude, because you’re just being cautious, and that is okay.

4. Avoid alcohol consumption
This is one of the most important solo travel tips. The last thing you want on a solo trip is not being aware of your surroundings, and being in an inebriated state, which is often a result of alcohol consumption. Whether you’re at your hotel or away, make sure that you’re not drunk. This way you can handle an unexpected event that may present itself at any point of time.