Multiple Myeloma: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Multiple Myeloma: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Multiple myeloma is a comparatively rare disease. Myeloma is a type of cancer of plasma cells that affects the bone marrow. In this disease, the gathering of malignant plasma cells occurs in the bone marrow. Next, the production of M protein (an abnormal antibody) transpires. They are the root of probable tumors, bone destruction, kidney damage, and a weakened immune system. Multiple myeloma affects multiple portions of the body simultaneously.

1. Causes

No exact cause of multiple myeloma has been reasoned out by researchers and doctors but it has been proposed that family history can play a substantial role in increasing the risk for this disease. Common symptoms include pain in the bones, nausea, regular infections, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

2. Diagnosis

Several aspects need to be well-thought-out by the doctor before confirming the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Along with the symptoms, the doctor has to conduct suitable physical evaluations to diagnose multiple myeloma. The medical history of the patient is also looked into along with conducting many diagnostic tests. The prognosis is very vital to evaluate proper multiple myeloma treatments.

3. Multiple myeloma treatments

As of today, there is no precise cure for multiple myeloma but multiple myeloma treatments mentioned below do help patients to live a better and healthier life even though they are suffering from this deadly disease.

  • Chemotherapy
    A common treatment for this disease, chemotherapy aids to eradicate fast-growing cells inclusive of the myeloma cells. If a bone marrow transplant is to be conducted on the patient, then just before the surgery, elevated doses of drugs are administered.
  • Bone marrow transplant
    Bone marrow transplant is one of the multiple myeloma treatments that can be given to the patient. In this treatment, the diseased bone marrow is replaced with healthy bone marrow.
  • Targeted therapy
    This being one of the major types of multiple myeloma treatments, medicines are administered through the vein of the affected person. Alternatively, the medicines can be given in pill form too. There is a certain constituent in myeloma cells that breaks down the protein and these medicines block them.
  • Regulation of the immune system
    Another multiple myeloma treatment, corticosteroids are administered to regulate the immune system which in turn helps to regulate the immune system. Simultaneously, inflammation of the body is controlled. These medicines can be administered via the vein of the patient or can be taken in pill form.
  • Biological therapy
    Biological therapy is one of the forms of multiple myeloma treatments in which medicines are administered to the patient in pill form only to enable the immune system of the body to fight the myeloma cells.
  • Radiation therapy
    Using radiation is one of the common multiple myeloma treatments. In this form of treatment, beams of energy are used to impair the myeloma cells in an attempt to stop their further growth. These beams of energy can be administered in a particular area to stop the myeloma cells from growing.

It is a devastating feeling to be diagnosed with this disease but with proper multiple myeloma treatments, the affected person can live a much healthier life.