Lifestyle Changes for Thyroid Disease

Lifestyle Changes for Thyroid Disease

Thyroid hormones are produced by a butterfly-like organ in our neck called the thyroid gland. When this gland starts producing hormones in more or less quantity than needed, it leads to either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Women are more likely to be afflicted with this disease than men. These hormones control the body energy and can leave us too tired or too energetic. To deal with thyroid disease, we need to understand the two types of thyroid:

1. Hypothyroidism
A low level of hormones or hypothyroidism may be caused by very little iodine in our diet. A person with hypothyroidism may feel tired, cold, constipated, and may gain weight with very little appetite, hoarse voice or shortness in breath. It can slow down our body functions.

2. Hyperthyroidism
A high level of hormones or hyperthyroidism may lead to weight loss often with an increase in appetite, anxiety, muscle aches, sweating, and an inability to tolerate heat. Hyperthyroidism is less common than hypothyroidism. A large amount of hormones speed up our body functions.

The disease of thyroid can last for years even with proper treatment. These effects may create complications in our day-to-day life. Therefore, to deal with changes in our body we have to change our lifestyle.

3. Diet plans
For hypothyroidism, one should eat iodine-rich food. Food items which have antioxidants like blueberries, tomatoes, and bell peppers are good for the thyroid gland. Sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts contain selenium which is good for the proper production of hormones. For treating thyroid disease, one should avoid consuming soy, non-iodized food products, cabbage, broccoli, kale, and mustard.

For hyperthyroidism, non-iodized salt, oats, egg whites, honey, maple syrup, fresh fruits, potatoes, and unsalted nuts should form part of the diet. Iron-rich foods like dried beans, green leafy vegetables, nuts, red meat, and whole grains should be on the essential list. Vegetables like bok choy, broccoli, mustard, and kale can help manage the imbalance in the thyroid production.

It is advised to have a proper diet chart from a certified diet planner or a nutritionist for managing and treating thyroid disease.

4. Sleep
Thyroid causes an imbalance in our hormones which may leave us a bit disoriented and cranky. Ensure to get proper sleep as it is very vital for your health. Make a strict schedule for sleeping and follow it. Make it a point that you sleep at the same time every night. Switch off the phones, TV, and laptops an hour before sleeping time as the lights emitted from these disturb our sleep cycle and make it difficult for us to fall asleep. Aim for eight hours of peaceful slumber.

5. Exercise
Due to the erratic production of hormones, fluctuations in weight happen frequently. It becomes imperative to have some kind of physical exercise. A daily walk, run, or jog will lift your mood and keep you fit and help in treating thyroid disease. Regular participation in sports activities like basketball, soccer, tennis, squash, and swimming will also help to reduce the extra weight. Certain yoga poses are considered as safe and advised for thyroid treatment.

6. De-stress
Stress has been found to have an adverse effect on the hormones of our body. It is necessary to de-stress and find ways to relax. Learning new things and trying to find something that relaxes your body may take time. However, spas, massages and meditation centers might work. Balance your work and home life as it is important for treating thyroid disease effectively.