Home Remedies to Manage Gout and Uric Acid

Home Remedies to Manage Gout and Uric Acid

Gout occurs when uric acid forms urate crystals, which accumulates in your joints, causing inflammation and intense pain. Also known as gouty arthritis, it can last for years and can be lifelong. It is characterized by sudden pain, redness, swelling, heat, and tenderness in the joints. To relieve the pain and other symptoms, some natural treatments for gout can be considered.

1. Cold compress

If your pain is not too severe, you can use cold packs to compress on joints to lower the inflammation. This might soothe the ache and you can rest your joint on a pillow or some soft object. Try not to move the joint much till the pain eases. For some people, alternating hot and cold packs proves as an effective natural treatment for gout. Additionally, one can try Epsom salt baths to prevent gout attacks. Either soak your entire body or specific painful joints to relieve gout with 1 or 2 cups of Epsom salts mixed in the bathwater.

2. Make a drink with apple cider vinegar

Some studies suggest that warm water taken with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and turmeric may help reduce the uric acid level in the body. When taken together, it is a pleasant drink and remedial as well. People with kidney disease are known to benefit from the apple cider while lemon juice and turmeric have been found to lower uric acid. Take the juice from one lemon, two teaspoons turmeric powder, and one teaspoon apple cider to make a natural treatment for gout.

3. Cherries

Cherries are also considered to be an excellent natural treatment for gout. Half a cup of cherries every day should do the trick. All cherries are good, whether sour, blue, sweet, red or black. They can be eaten raw, blended or made into juices. Although they are a well-known remedy, there is no scientific study to back them up as evidence. However, the affected people have reported it has reduced uric levels significantly.

4. Low-fat dairy

Low-fat dairy products are also considered an excellent natural treatment for gout. Dairy intake in the form of a glass of milk or yogurt might help you lower the uric acid level in the body. Soy milk also helps. However, full fat or high-fat dairy products might increase uric acid.

5. Ginger

Ginger has been proven to relieve the symptoms of gout as its anti-inflammatory properties are well-known. Ginger can be consumed by boiling it in water or it can be effective even when applied topically by making a paste of it. Moreover, all vegetables and fruits are considered safe and advised as a natural treatment for gout. Legumes, whole grain, eggs, green tea, coffee, herbs, and plant-based oils like olive oil can be consumed. One the other hand, one should stay away from foods with high purine content as they increase the uric acid. Consult your healthcare provider about food items that can be consumed and what should not be consumed.

6. Rest

Get enough sleep and rest as it is important to manage stress and feel better overall. A gout attack can be painful so get rest and try not to move much.