Foods that Trigger Gout Attacks

Foods that Trigger Gout Attacks

Gout is a form of arthritis that causes intense pain that is accompanied by swelling in the bone joints like the big toe. Gout attacks recur and are accompanied by painful swelling, which can also lead to tissue damage in the affected portion of the body. It can even lead to deformity in the long term if not treated. This form of arthritis is generally caused by an excess of uric acid in the bloodstream, and recent studies have linked the same with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases as well. Primarily, excess uric acid in the body results in the formation of uric crystals that are deposited in the bone joints, which can lead to a gout attack. The patient’s diet and eating habits need to be considered carefully to keep the uric acid levels under control.

1. Food items to avoid
Even though it is advisable to treat gout with medication, there are certain foods that one would want to avoid as they are known to increase uric acid levels in the body and increase the risk of gout attacks.

Instead, a diet suitable for managing gout would mainly consist of low-fat food items that are not rich in purine and would not cause uric acid levels in the body to shoot up. Similarly, certain foods are considered to be purine-rich, and these should be avoided at all costs.

Here are some foods to be kept out of a gout diet:

  • Avoid consuming organ meat kidneys, liver, and brain as these are generally considered to be rich in purine and would cause uric acid levels to increase. Also, avoid pheasant, veal, and venison, along with sweetbreads.
  • There are certain types of fish that should be avoided, like mackerel, tuna, sardines, anchovies, haddock, and such.
  • Avoid shellfish like scallops, shrimp, roe, crab and such.
  • Avoid consuming sugary beverages for obvious reasons.
  • Avoid honey, agave nectar, and other sweeteners.
  • Avoid nutritional yeast, brewer’s yeast, and others.
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates like white bread, cakes, cookies, and more.

2. Importance of a healthy diet for gout patients
A gout patient would need to consult their doctor as they would advise the patient to follow a specific course of diet, one that consists of food items low in purine. The main purpose of a gout diet is not to remove the excess uric acid in your body. Rather, it is to limit the intake of uric acid and the incidence of gout attacks. This should enable the patient to manage their current condition and lead a healthy and normal life, sans any discomfort and pain. It is essential that they follow a well-balanced diet, one that would keep the body hydrated at all times. Also, it is best to avoid or limit the intake of red meat. With due care and a strict diet accompanied by medical treatment, one should be able to mitigate the gout attacks and lead a normal life.