8 Home Remedies for Peptic Ulcers

8 Home Remedies for Peptic Ulcers

Infections caused due to bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) or the frequent use of anti-inflammatory medications which develop inside the lining of the stomach or upper portion of the small intestine as open sores are known as peptic ulcers. Ulcers that develop inside the stomach are called gastric ulcers and the ones that develop on the upper portion of the small intestine are known as duodenal ulcers.

Ulcers that develop in the lower part of the esophagus is known as esophageal ulcers. Abdominal pain with a burning sensation, heartburn, and nausea are some of the symptoms shown by people with peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcer is infectious and can be transmitted by close contact due to H.pylori infection and even through food or water. Peptic ulcers, if not treated, can cause complications like internal bleeding, scarring or infection.

Many simple natural remedies are available for the treatment of peptic ulcers, which helps in strengthening and protecting the stomach lining from infections.

1. Cabbage and carrots
The lactic acid present in cabbage produces amino acids which help stimulate the blood flow over the stomach lining, thus strengthening the stomach lining and relieving the peptic ulcers. Carrots contain vitamin A which has anti-peptic properties thus relieving stomach pain caused by peptic ulcers. Consumption of fresh cabbage and carrots juice has no side effects and is quite safe.

2. Coconut
Antibacterial properties present in coconuts help in killing bacteria that cause peptic ulcers. Consumption of coconut milk, coconut water or coconut oil is beneficial for treating peptic ulcers. Use of coconuts for at least a week will help in relieving the symptoms of peptic ulcer.

3. Bananas
Antibacterial properties found in both ripe and raw bananas help the stomach to clear acidic juices and reduce inflammation. It also strengthens the lining of the stomach. Rich in potassium, bananas are one of the best natural treatments for peptic ulcers.

4. Honey
A natural medicine used for ages, honey contains an enzyme called glucose oxidase which helps in killing harmful bacteria including peptic ulcers. The healing properties present in honey help in curing the infection and also strengthen the stomach lining.

5. Garlic
Garlic helps in treating peptic ulcers. It contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties which help in keeping H.pylori levels in check, which is an important reason for developing ulcers. It also helps in preventing ulcers and relieves inflammation of the stomach.

6. Aloe vera
A medicinal herb, aloe vera has soothing properties and it helps in reducing stomach inflammation. Regular use of aloe vera juice can reduce the amount of stomach acid secretion.

7. Indian gooseberry
Consuming Indian gooseberry on an empty stomach helps in reducing bad cholesterol and also helps in relieving the burning sensation. Rich in vitamin C, Indian gooseberry does not have any side effects and helps in getting rid of peptic ulcers.

8. Fenugreek
A mucilaginous compound present in fenugreek protects the lining of the stomach by coating it and thus helps in the healing process.