5 Cancer-Causing Foods to Avoid

5 Cancer-Causing Foods to Avoid

The foods we consume have a direct impact on our health. As a result, we should maintain a balanced diet and increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, and cereals and avoid foods that are rich in fats. Maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle also helps prevent any disease, including cancer. Although one may not think so, it certainly plays a huge role in an individual’s overall health.

Cancer causing foods to avoid include:

1. Red and processed meats
Meat that has been preserved with artificial preservatives, salts, or through the smoking process should be avoided. These include sausages, ham, and hot dogs, as the consumption of such foods will increase the risk of developing bowel cancer. The red pigment naturally found in red meats can damage the cells and cause cancer. So, one should avoid the intake of red meat to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

2. Sugar and aerated drinks
The intake of a sugary diet should be avoided to reduce the chances of cancer. Sugar that is present naturally in fruits and vegetables provides energy to the cells which promotes cell growth. So one should try and avoid the intake of refined sugars like chocolates, pastries, candies, etc, to reduce the chances of developing cancer.

Fructose syrup present in drinks causes cancer cells to grow. Also, the preservatives found in such drinks also can cause cancer cell growth. To reduce the risks of cancer, one should eliminate such drinks from their diet. Also, such drinks do not provide any nutritional value and contribute to weight gain and obesity.

3. Barbecued food
If food is overheated or burnt, it releases a carcinogenic substance called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PHA). This increases the chances of cancer. When coal is heated and food it grilled on it, a poisonous gas, in the form of smoke, is produced. This can then cause harm to the lungs. Additionally, cigarette smoking too should be avoided as it contains PHA. Cooking over natural gas or relatively low temperatures can reduce the risks of cancer-causing cells.

4. Microwaved food
Microwave popcorn bags contain chemicals which resist grease, making it perfect from preventing oil to seep through popcorn bags. The chemical called perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) used in these bags produce carcinogen, which results in cancer-producing cells. The most common type of cancer associated with microwaved food is lung cancer. One can reduce the risks involved by cooking food over the stove. These PFCs which are suspected to cause cancer are also used in teflon pans, pizza boxes, sandwich wrappers.

5. Alcohol
Excessive consumption of alcohol can cause many different types of cancers. Alcohol is produced by fermentation of sugar, resulting in the production of cancer cells. No intake or reduced intake of alcohol can reduce the risks of cancer. Red and white wine, beer, cocktails can contribute to cancer. At least seven types of cancers are associated with the consumption of alcohol. A chemical emitted from alcohol harms the production of healthy cells and causes tumor cells to develop.