3 Surprising Benefits of Botox

3 Surprising Benefits of Botox

At the very initial stages, Botox had only gained popularity for being a corrective remedy for crossed eyes. But ever since then, it has come a long way and become popular for its many cosmetic applications. Toward the late 1990s, Botox became a popular treatment for the reduction of wrinkles. However, today, it has more benefits that are known to people. The top benefits of Botox include controlling vaginal spasms and relief from migraine. Read on to learn more about these unknown benefits of Botox.

1. Botox can provide relief from migraine
Migraine affects over 37 million people in the country every year. In fact, the severity of the ailment is such that it keeps its patients from performing routine activities and even going to work. Thankfully, Botox treatment has some properties that provide migraine relief. In 2010, Botox for intramuscular injection was approved by the FDA and since then it has been used as a treatment for migraine. Botox injections for migraine are usually given once every three months. Small doses of Botox are given at various locations on the face. These locations for migraine treatment include the bridge of the nose, forehead, back of the head, neck, temples, and upper back. The use of Botox injections has also successfully relieved the dependency on medication of many migraine patients. It usually takes up to 10 days after taking the injection to experience the relief from migraine.

2. Botox can treat hyperhidrosis
Botox injections can be an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis, which is excessive underarm sweating. People suffering from the condition experience sweating in such excessive amounts that even powerful antiperspirants cannot help them control it. Botox has been used as a treatment for hyperhidrosis ever since the FDA approved it in 2004. Botox can temporarily block the sweat-producing chemicals in the body. The effects of the treatment are visible immediately and visits are needed every 7 to 16 months. But, before you opt for the Botox treatment for hyperhidrosis, it is important that you get the correct diagnosis without getting confused between common sweatiness and the condition. For this, you need to look for some indications. Check the number of times you sweat during the day, notice if the excessive sweating is affecting your social life, and do the over-the-counter treatments help you overcome the problem? If you find that the answers to all these questions point towards hyperhidrosis, going ahead with Botox is recommended. The effects of Botox in treating this condition have been proven and will start showing up in no time and leave no side-effects behind.

3. Botox can treat incontinence in women
Botox has proven to be more effective than any nerve stimulation device to control incontinence in women. A weak bladder can interfere with a woman’s routine. Incontinence in women is a common problem arising from menopause, childbirth, and pregnancy. Thankfully, Botox can come to your rescue by reducing episodes of incontinence.