3 Hair Extension Myths Busted

3 Hair Extension Myths Busted

Hair extensions are the most preferred hair product that both men and women use to style their hair. Everyone wants to look beautiful, hence many people use extensions to add some appeal to their personality. However many people hate these because of the myths that are associated with it, but most of them are not true.

These myths circulate through social media and once they believe the myths it takes time to accept the truth. These particular myths are generally invented when someone provides bad reviews for any brand of extension. So, here are the 3 common hair extension myths and the facts that you should know.

1. Myth: They damage the natural hair

Some people just believe that these hair extensions are not good because they are not real and are made with synthetic materials. Permanent extensions are generally the victims of the myths as they require heat, clamps, and glue. They are generally labeled “damaging” for natural hair and the scalp more than the clip-on hair extensions.

  • Fact: They do not damage your hair unless it is strong and healthy
    If you have healthy and strong hair then the extensions attached will not damage your natural hair. However, it also depends on whether your hair and scalp can withstand the installation process or not.

2. Myth: They obstruct natural hair growth

This is a myth because people do not understand what goes into this styling method. Just because there is a fake hair sewed on to your natural hair it does not stop the hair growth. Some also believe that the extensions cause tension to the natural hair which makes hinders the hair growth process.

  • Fact: Properly sewed in extension does not prevent hair growth
    The stylist you chose to get the extension makes all the difference so you should be careful about it. If an inexperienced stylist attaches the hair extension incorrectly it will slow down your hair growth. However, if you choose to go for someone experienced in the field then you don’t have to worry. Make sure you research well before you choose the right professional stylist.

3. Myth: They do not blend with the natural hair
Many people believe that as these are fake hair strands they would not blend and people will notice the difference easily. This myth is easily believed by people because the texture of the extension and the natural hair is complex. Moreover, there are several questionable blends on the Internet which can make it believable.

  • Fact: Choosing the right extension will help blend in with natural hair
    If you select the correct extension which has the right texture then it won’t show the difference. However, it depends on the way you apply it. So, if you are good at clipping it, your hair will look natural.

There are many more myths which you will find on the Internet but researching will enlighten you with the truth. These myths cause people to freak out and most of these are based on incomplete and misled information. So, if you come across any such myths try to find out the truth to it as well.