12 Benefits of the Whole30 Diet

12 Benefits of the Whole30 Diet

Whole30 diet is a nourishing program designed by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig in 2009. It encourages putting a stop to unhealthy eating and cravings for unhealthy food by which a healthy metabolism can be accomplished to balance the immune system. There is no consumption of grains, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and MSGs in this diet. In a way, a person eats healthy for 30 consecutive days. The benefits of the Whole30 diet are vast.

Here are 12 benefits to following the Whole30 diet:

1. Weight loss
According to statistics, around 95% of individuals who followed this diet lost weight. You have a high level of energy, better sleeping patterns, and more attentivity. Weight also stays in control with this diet.

2. Detecting allergies and sensitivity to food
After you start reintroducing categories of food into your diet, you will become aware of any possible allergies. You also tend to gain knowledge of the foods that are problematic for your body. For example, you can know if any food item makes you feel bloated.

3. Feel healthy
Having healthy food continuously makes you feel better and healthy, with a high level of alertness and no lethargy.

4. Proper sleep
The Whole30 diet makes you get proper sleep, so there is a rejuvenated and energetic feeling after getting up. Also, it becomes easier to fall asleep.

5. Clear skin
Consuming food permitted in this diet makes the skin clearer. The skin becomes healthier and you can see a glow in the skin by avoiding junk food for 30 days at a stretch. Following this diet is also good for hair and skin health.

6. Improved digestion
The process of digestion improves tremendously as all the foods included in this diet are beneficial for the body.

7. Look at food from a different angle
One of the major benefits of this diet is that the perception of food changes for those who follow it. You come to know what is good for your body at that age.

8. Increased fertility
With no sugar intake and eating other healthy food, this diet has helped some women to conceive even after IVF treatments did not turn out to be positive.

9. Diminishes the temptation of certain foods
By following this 30-days diet strictly, you tend to get detached from certain foods when you realize that they are not beneficial for your body.

10. Managing disease
There are multiple statements by people that the Whole30 diet has helped them manage their health issues in a better way. The symptoms of diseases like diabetes can be managed and controlled.

11. Effect on stress and depression
This diet has a positive effect on stress and depression. Healthy eating makes one stress-free and helps in reduced anxiety and the feeling of depression.

12. Improvement in general health
People following this diet have been able to improve their lifestyle-related diseases like diabetes, PCOS, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

After 30 days, you can continue with the Whole30 diet or can slowly start adding restricted foods back into your diet.